BV GLOBAL LIMITED has her competence in core areas like calibration, Testing and certification, Pipeline facility maintenance and Corrosion Control (Insulation and Cladding) with branches both in Lagos and Port Harcourt. We are ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management) Certified and we provide world best in class, Calibration, Certification, Testing, Coating, Insulation and Cladding, Blast Cleaning and Painting, Fibal Roll, Cladding, Shield and Wear Pads etc.
With core competencies in the provision of comprehensive product and services which includes but not limited to Calibrations of Flow Instruments, QAQC Test Equipment’s, Test and Re-Certifications of Industrial Equipment’s e.g. Pressure Gauges, Pressure Safety Valves,
System Calibrations, Transmitters, Flow Meters, Multi meters, Power generator, welding machine, Insulation testers, NDT equipment ETC
BV Global Laboratory is Mobil and aviation Calibration center in Nigeria. We have high profile clients which are but not limited to EXXON MOBIL, TOTAL, NIGERDOCK, HYUNDAI HEAVY INDUSTRIES (HHI), SUBSEA SEVEN, ONE SUBSEA, WRPC, NPDC, KAZTEC ENGINEERING, SEADRILL, AVEONS OFFSHORE, PLANTGERIA, PACIFIC DRILL, DANA AIRLINES, ONEDOT AVIATIONDOMINION AIR SERVICES, with evidences, Testimonials and Recommendations.
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