Asset Management

Our specialized service team can look after the planned maintenance requirement for all the valves and process equipment on your site. Using either our proprietary (VAM) software or your existing system we will collect all the data required to a create a customized maintenance program combining statistical analysis with details of your plants operating conditions to improve asset life, reduce operating costs and enhance workplace safety.

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In addition to the practical skills of our service engineers we can also look after the planned maintenance for all your valves and equipment on site. Working closely with you our service teams will set and managing the day-to-day collation of data necessary to monitor the performance of your plant and equipment onsite. The statistical analysis in conjunction with knowledge of plant operating conditions can then be used to improve asset life, reduce operating costs and enhance workplace safety.

Valve Asset Management, VAM

VAM is our own proprietary valve asset management software program, which has been developed working closely with existing customers to provide a reliable and efficient means of monitoring and managing your valve population. Capable of providing a full range of historical maintenance and performance data VAM allows you to run your valves and equipment safely and effectively whilst getting the best performance from your plant.